Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Day 5: the Big Push in 2 Parts

After an early start today from Ludlow, I ended the day in Needles, CA, for a total of 106.9 miles.

Here is this morning’s sunrise:

At 6:30 AM, I came upon the famous Roy’s in Amboy, CA:

I had to walk the bike around 11 separate bridges that were either destroyed or damaged due to recent floods; here is one that was completely wiped out:

Part 1 was from Ludlow to Fenner:

After some liquids, food, and a bit of a rest, I rode onto Needles:

I’ll be taking the day off tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I "knew" the scope of this trip but reading your posts and seeing the mileage in black & white (as it were) I am just flabbergasted!


Day 10: The Day I Tap Out

Unfortunately on my ride earlier today, I developed a persisting numbness in my left hand and radiating pain up my arm.  I’m not a medical p...